Wash your hands prior to touching your tattoo.

Remove the bandage after 5 days and gently wash your tattoo with mild soap and cold water (Hibiclens is preferred). Do not reapply a new bandage.

Apply a thin layer of Lubriderm (white unscented lotion) for the next 3 days and/or until the tattoo is completely healed. (Make sure to clean it first)

Stay out of direct sunlight and tanning booths for 7-10 days. Use sunscreen of at least SPF30.

Do not go swimming in the ocean, fresh water lakes and streams, chlorinated pools, or soak in a tub or Jacuzzi until tattoo is completely healed.

Take showers until the tattoo is completely healed.

Avoid gardening activities that may expose the tattoo to soil, fertilizers, etc. until the tattoo is healed.

Do not allow tattoo to come into contact with animals until healed.

Your tattoo should form a light dry scab that will fall off in 7-10 days. Do not touch or pick at scab.